Cunningly Good Guide to… Advertorials

Cunningly Good Advertorials 

An advertorial is an advertisement in the form of editorial content which appears in the publications read by your ideal target market. It is created in the style of an objective journalistic article, giving it the impression of being a regular editorial.
In a nutshell:
Advertorials provide a platform for conveying key messages in an in-depth way

Advertorials are made to look like editorials to gain readers’ attention

Copy included within an advertorial can be completely controlled by you/your company

Advertorials are placed in publications (online and offline) read by your target market

Why use an advertorial?

Advertorials are an editorial version of an advert. Advertorials can consist of all the main elements of an advert but allow you to go into greater depth in terms of the service and product you offer due to the amount of editorial space available. It enables you to convey key messages about your product or brand in a much more effective way than just a straight advert.

What are the benefits of an advertorial?

Because advertorials are paid-for content, it provides a platform for you to convey the key messages of your product, company, or service in a highly controlled way. This contrasts with an editorial which is submitted to editors and journalists who have the authority to use elements of your copy, or in some cases none at all, depending on the news agenda.

An advertorial not only gives you control over what copy is included but also when it is placed.  Advertorials can also provide the space to include a case study of a satisfied customer, which can be helpful to convince a reader to consider using your product or service.

What are the things to consider?

Advertorials are paid for, known as ‘sponsored’ content, so readers can often be sceptical of them because they know they don’t offer an objective, unbiased view, but represent the viewpoint of the company that is trying to sell their product or service. This contrasts with an editorial written by journalists about your product or service which naturally provides a third-party written recommendation, which is powerful. As a result, you need to put a lot of effort into making your advertorial look and feel like a real editorial written by a journalist to get readers to pay attention to it and consume its content.

Advertorials can either be written by the company in question, or a member of a publications’ editorial team can write it if required. However, the latter option usually has an impact on cost. In terms of size, in a physical publication, advertorials can be half a page, a full-page, and in some cases a double-page spread.

If you would like a chat about how we can help you create a Cunningly Good advertorial for your business, as part of your overall marketing activity, please get in touch on 01738 658187.