Vision PK

Registered charity Vision PK provides specialist support and services for multi-sensory impaired people of all ages living in the Perth & Kinross area. Its aim is to empower all people with sensory impairment to take a full and fulfilling role in society.  Moreover to help them achieve the personal outcomes they aspire to.

The Cunningly Good Group were initially asked to help the organisation change focus and support their transition from Perth and Kinross Society for the Blind.

Our award winning design agency worked with the team at Vision PK to develop a new visual identity and strapline. One which better represents the full range of services offered – all with a fresh look and feel.

Since then our design agency have continued to support the charity in designing Annual Reports and more.  Included in this is range of promotional materials to support charitable giving and awareness, such as signage, flyers, pull-up banners.

The Cunningly Good Group support the team as it continues its much-needed work. Our website agency work on their website development and maintenance. This further promotes awareness and access to the Perth based Vision PK charities work.